Coming Events Newsletter Week 8 Term 4 plus I-Site Calendar SOS Disco
Term 4 Week 8.pdf Tararua i-SITE Events Calendar Email – December 2023 disco poster 2023.pdf
Term 4 Week 8.pdf Tararua i-SITE Events Calendar Email – December 2023 disco poster 2023.pdf
Term 4 Week 6.pdf
Term 4 Week 4.pdf
Term 4 Week 2.pdf
Term 3 Week 10.pdf
Tomorrow we have a mufti day, whole school options after morning tea including poi, rakau, Māori games, myths, waiata and Mahi Toi, Interhouse sports and a yummy sausage sizzle from Ngāti Kahungunu. What a great way to finish our week celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.
Term 3 Week 6.pdf
Term 3 Week
Term 3 Week 2.pdf
Term 2 Week 10.pdf