Panui April 2023 FINAL.pdf
Panui April 2023 FINAL.pdf
We have our next committee meeting tonight at 6pm in the South School Staff room. New members are always welcome to turn up to hear about our upcoming events or share your ideas. For more information contact Courtenay on 027 260 8527
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SOS fundraising committee meeting Monday 20th at 6 pm. We have our next committee meeting this coming Monday night at 6pm in the South School Staff room. New members are always welcome to turn up to hear about our upcoming events or share your ideas. For more information contact Courtenay on 027 260 8527
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MONDAY 20 MARCH – AMP WAI SPLASH POOL All Year 6-8 students and only the Year 4-5 students who are entered in races will be attending our South School Swimming sports. Students will be transported to and from the pool by bus. Departure time from School: 9.00 am.Start time of events: 9.30 amLunch … Read moreSouth School Swimming Sports Year 4-8
A note will be coming home today with your child/ren showing you the current caregivers details we have for them. Please check these details, sign if correct, or update and then return to the office. The emergency contact and secondary caregiver details are blank. If these have changed since enrolling your child can you please … Read moreUPDATED CAREGIVERS RECORDS NOTE – CHECK YOUR CHILD’S BAG
If you circumstances have changed, for example you have moved or changed phone numbers can you please email the school or call in and let us know. It is important our records for your children are current and accurate.
Exemption from strike action on Thursday 16 March Primary teachers and principals are currently in negotiations with the government to settle our collective agreements and feel that their offer did not meet expectations, nor make sufficient steps towards the changes we need for our children to succeed. The current conditions and funding for our … Read moreExemption from strike action on Thursday 16 March