Saturday 6 May Netball Draw
Draw 6 May.pdf
Draw 6 May.pdf
SOS fundraising committee AGM Monday 15th May. The SOS fundraising committee are holding their AGM on Monday the 15th May at 6pm in the Staff room at South School followed by a general meeting. We welcome new members any time of the year and extend a warm welcome to any one who would like to … Read moreSOS AGM Monday 15 May – DSS Staffroom
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Kia ora South School whānau We all know that families know their children best and we want to further strengthen our learning based relationships with you to help every one of our tamariki succeed. When we meet in our interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday, we would like to learn more about your child and your … Read moreLearning from you
Term 1 Week 10.pdf Board pdate Term 1 2023.pdf
A parent information evening will be held tonight with regard to introducing the Informed and Empowered programme and the programme called Navigating the Journey: Sexuality Education. Both of these will be taught next term. The meetings will be held at the following times in these locations: Te Kakano at 3.15pm in Room 1. … Read moreSexuality Education Parent Information Meeting Tonight 4 April 2023
Hockey Flyer 2023_Register Now!.pdf
Junior shooting SCHOOL NEWSLETTER notice 2023.pdf
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Term 1 Week 8.pdf